Genes in imprisonment (1)
Native cattle breeds in Finland:
Northern Finncattle (NFC)
NFC is polled and typically white in coloration. The Second World War had a severe effect also on NFC. The evacuation of Lapland diminished the population size and returning families only brought cows back home to Finland. Consequently, the use of bulls from other breeds resulted in a near extinction of NFC in a couple of generations. In the 1980s only a few purebred NFC bulls were left, and the reconstruction of the breed was dependent on the use of bulls from a closely related breed from Sweden, the Swedish Mountain Cattle. The population has had a steady growth since the 1980s. Currently there are almost 650 NFC cows, out of which 430 are in the milk recording system. The in situ
gene bank is hosted by Pelso Prison in Vaala. Additionally, genetic material is stored in an ex situ
gene bank as sperm and embryos. The effective population size of NFC is approximately 40-50 individuals. Average milk production: 5210 kg Fat percentage: 4.37 % Protein percentage: 3.47 %
Western Finncattle (WFC)
WFC is mainly light brown, sometimes darker brown in color. They can have white spots or patches. WFC is a polled breed. The breed association for Western Finncattle was established in 1906. After the war all Finncattle breeds were brought together as one breed, and quickly the WFC appearance was dominating in that population. Between 1950 and 1970 the Finncattle population suffered a severe decline due to the popularity of the Ayrshire breed and introgression from the Holstein breed. Today, there are approximately 3000 WFC cows. Two thirds of those are part of the milk recording system. The in situ
gene bank for WFC is at Ahlman vocational college in Tampere. The effective population size of WFC is approximately 90-100 individuals. Average milk production: 6776 kg Fat percentage: 4.39 % Protein percentage: 3.50 %
Eastern Finncattle (EFC)
EFC was defined as an own breed in the 1890s, and a herdbook was started for this breed in 1914. EFC has a red-brown coloration on the sides and a ragged white stripe across the back. EFC is a polled breed. EFC was nearly extinct in the 1980s. The decline of EFC started after the war and was aggravated by the replacement of EFC with Ayrshire cows and use of Holstein semen on EFC cows. In the 1980s only 50 cows of EFC were still alive, but luckily there were semen doses of seven old EFC AI-bulls left at one bull station in Finland. Currently, the number of cows is almost 800, out of which 250 are in the milk recording system. The breed is now well known and increasing in popularity! In situ
gene banks for EFC are situated in vocational colleges of Kainuu (Kajaani) and Ahlman (Tampere). Additionally, genetic material is stored in an ex situ
gene bank as sperm and embryos. The effective population size of EFC is approximately 40-60 individuals. Average milk production: 3706 kg Fat percentage: 4.28 % Protein percentage: 3.51%