NordGen och samarbetspartners välkomnar till en serie av sex stycken webbinarier som behandlar bevaring och användande av vilda kulturväxtsläktingar. Serien genomförs på engelska.
During the last couple of years, the Nordic Council of Ministers has funded a project dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of Crop Wild Relatives (CWR), wild species that are related crops. Within this project there has been a wide range of activities, including climate change modelling, analysis of genetic diversity, inventory of CWR in protected areas, and seed collection for conservation in gene banks. Based on this information, recommendations regarding conservation and sustainable use of CWR in the Nordic region has been developed.
In this online seminar we will present these recommendations, focusing on in situ conservation, ex situ conservation and policy. In addition, we look closer into the example of Færder National Park, the in situ conservation of CWR conducted here and the management approaches developed specifically for CWR.
Speakers: Mora Aronsson (SLU), Heli Fitzgerald (Finnish Museum of Natural History), Magnus Göransson (Icelandic Institute of Natural History).
Language: English.
Speakers: Jens Weibull (ECPGR Executive Committee), Linn Borgen Nilsen (Norwegian Genetic Resource Center), Anne Sjømæling & Eirik Dobbedal (National park managers).