"Robustness of Oats for the Nordic Region" (RobOat) is one of the new projects that started in 2024 within the Nordic PPP collaboration. The aim of the collaborative project is to develop the resistance of future oats against biotic (especially crown rust and semi-loose smut) and abiotic (drought and waterlogging) stress factors. In this project, the partners will study the less explored oat genetic resources from NordGen and other collections by combining diverse phenotyping, genotyping and genomic methodologies.
“Breeding future oat cultivars by the smart and wide use of genetic resources is a key for sustainable solution in agriculture within climate crisis paralleled with growing demand for healthy and high-quality raw oat materials. RobOat will facilitate in ensuring sufficient supply of oats by resilient future cultivars having particularly in mind Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 and the European Green Deal Strategy.”
/Marja Jalli, Project Leader, Group Manager and Senior Scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
Agrologica (DK)
Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd (FI)
Graminor AS (NO)
Lantmännen (SE)
Agricultural University of Iceland (IS)
Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke (FI)
Lund University (SE)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU (NO)
NordGen (the Nordic countries)
Nordic Seed A/S (DK)
Oatly (SE)