Project period: 2022-2025
With 31 partners from 17 different countries, the PRO-GRACE project will tackle several different challenges that today's European system for plant genetic resources is experiencing. Among other things, systems, processes and methods must be built to protect plant genetic resources in Europe. But a framework and governance for a future European infrastructure with a focus on these issues must also be developed.
Within the project, NordGen participates in the following work packages:
- WP1 which will strengthen EURISCO - the common European database for plant genetic resources in European genebanks
- WP2 which will develop a certification for European gene banks as well as methods and standards for the work.
- WP4 which will develop a system for evaluating the properties of the plants.
- WP5 which will develop a concept for a new European research infrastructure on plant genetic resources.
In addition, NordGen is responsible for the delivery of two sub-goals: firstly a system for unique identification of the plants based on DOI and DNA barcoding and secondly how the management of a future European research infrastructure could look like.
If you want to read more about the project, you can visit PRO-GRACE's European project page.