Next generation genebanking
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Project period: 2024-2026
The Nordic seed collection which NordGen is responsible for, contains more than 33 0000 seed samples from important crops. One could compare the collection with a library, where the seed samples are the books. Today, we know the titles of the books but can't access the texts within them - in other words, the information about which traits the seeds carry. This projects will provide us that kind of information.
The aim of the project is to unlock genetic information about the accessions and make them available for external users through an easily accessible web interface. So called core collctions will also be developed, where a smaller number of seed samples are selected to represent the majority of the genetic diversity which is represented within the entire species.
The project focuses on 4 500 protein crops from the Nordic seed collection (such as peas, beans, lentiils and clover) that will be genotyped and phenotyped. The project is finansed with close to 25 million SEK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.