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FUnCrop - Strengthening Food Security by Conservation and Knowledge-building of Underutilized Crops

Did you know that there are more than 30 000 edible plant species in the world? However, only about 170 species are cultivated on a commercial scale, and more than 40 percent of our daily calories come from only three staple crops: rice, wheat and maize. The project FUnCrops will strike a blow for so called underutilized crops through conservation and knowledge-building, with the aim of increasing food security.

When was the last time you ate lupine, vetch or field peas? Have you ever tried flaxseed pudding or cooked buckwheat? These are all categorised as underutilized crops, although how often they are actually used differs from region to region. Underutilized crops are considered important genetic resources that, in a global context, are often overlooked in research and development compared to major crops and have the potential to be grown on a wider scale. These crops contribute to resilience by offering alternatives in the face of climate change, thriving in diverse environments, and holding cultural significance. Recognizing and promoting UC genetic resources is vital for building sustainable and resilient food systems.

The aim of the FUnCrops project is to create a Nordic/Baltic/Ukrainian operational network for underutilized crop conservation development to meet future challenges of food security and climate resilience. In addition, the project will engage in knowledge-sharing, workshops and field trials.

The FUnCrops project is active from 1 November 2024​ to 31 October 2026. It is coordinated by NordGen and has the following partners:

Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK), Estonia

LSFRI "Silava", Latvia
Institute of Agro-Resources and Economics (AREI)

Lithuanian State Forest Service
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Vokė Branch
Higher Education Institution, Faculty of Agrotechnologies

Institute of Plant Production named after V.Ya. Yuriev
Ustymivs'ka Experimental Station of Plant Production Institute named after V.Y.Yuriev of NAAS of Ukraine
Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region NAAS