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During the project period 2021–2023, four projects received funding from the Nordic Public-Private Partnership for pre-breeding. Below you will find a short summary of the projects and a list of the participating partners.

For more information and contact information to the project leaders, please contact NordGen at


1) Phenotyping Project Phase 3 (6P3)

A group of people standing beside several drones on the ground.
Group photo during project activities, photo: 6P3 project.

6P3 focused on operationalization of technologies and methods developed during the previous two project phases. Phenotypic data was combined with a plant-soil-climate model to understand interactions between genotypes, local environments, climate and management. The aim was to provide Nordic plant breeders with the latest drone and imaging technologies, efficient data management tools, and a climate and stress response model to predict and breed genotypes resilient to climate change and environmental stresses.

Research and Innovation Partners:
University of Copenhagen(UCPH)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NMBU)
Sejet Planteforædling

Networking partners:
Findus Sverige
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
The Agricultural University of Iceland (LBHI)

Associate partners:
Estonian Crop Research Institute(ECRI)
Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC)

2) SustainPotato

A group of people standing outside
The members of the PPP-project SustainPotato when they met in the spring of 2022.

SustainPotato will bring the potato breeding programs in Sweden, Denmark and Norway together with scientists from the Nordic universities to develop and implement new genetic resources and molecular tools for effective disease resistance breeding. This new initiative is expected to provide Nordic potato breeders, growers and retailers with new competitive potato cultivars and improve research into new high-throughput phenotyping and genotype methods that will be needed for future genomic-led potato breeding.

This project continues during 2024-2026. 

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU)

3) CResWheat

Panicle of wheat.

Spring wheat is currently cultivated at the northernmost limit for the crop where it faces several challenges linked to climate change. The project aims to increase the spring wheat yield potential and self-sufficiency in the Nordic region. This requires extensive pre-breeding activities and collaboration between breeders and researchers across borders. The project focuses on the identification of germplasm, genes, and genetic markers associated with disease resistance pre-harvest sprouting, and early maturity. Special attention will be paid to drought tolerance and diseases expected to be of future relevance to spring wheat in northern Europe.

The project has an account on X (formerly Twitter). Feel free to follow their activities at @CResWheat. CResWheat continues during 2024-2026. 

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU)
Aarhus University (AU)
Boreal Plant Breeding
Graminor Breeding AS
Lantmännen Lantbruk
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Nordic Seed (NOS)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NMBU)
Sejet Planteforædling


Red and green apples on a tree branch

NORDFRUIT Apple was a one-year project with the purpose to complete earlier PPP apple projects and to facilitate implementation of new technologies into the Nordic apple breeding programs. Considerable efforts have been made in tree and fruit storage diseases. However, results need to be confirmed to capitalize the investments, and that is the main task of the one-year project. Supplementary phenotyping will be conducted for validation of genetic markers, as phenotyping failed in previousyears due to lower frost in spring. The project was active during the year of 2021.

Graminor Breeding AS
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU)
University of Copenhagen(UCPH)