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During the project period 2018–2020, four projects received funding from the Nordic Public-Private Partnership for pre-breeding. Below you will find a short summary of the projects and a list of the participating partners.

For more information and contact information to the project leaders, please contact NordGen at

1) PPP NORDFRUIT – Pre-breeding for future challenges in Nordic fruit and berries

Almost red apples hanging from a tree branch.

This project had the main goals to validate the genetic pool of apples and strawberries for future Nordic breeding and establish cultivar panels in apples and strawberries for future utilization in genome-informed breeding. Another aim was to create novel germplasm by species crossing as well as enhance and develop genetic competence and initiate the process of integration of modern genetic tools into the breeding programs.


Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke (FI)

Graminor AS (NO)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (SE)

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO (NO)

University of Copenhagen (DK)

Estonian University of Life Sciences (EE)

Latvia university of Life Sciences and Technologies (LV)

The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)

2) PPP Pre-breeding in Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)

A field of green ryegrass, blue sky in the background.

The main goals of the PPP ryegrass project was to develop improved germplasm of perennial ryegrass with a suitable adaptation to future climates in the Nordic region. In the project, tools were also developed for genomics-assisted future breeding and an arena for collaboration, capacity building and synergy was created.


Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd (FI)


Estonian Crop Research Institute (EE) 

Graminor AS (NO)

Lantmännen (SE)

Latvia university of Life Sciences and Technologies (LV) 

The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)

Aarhus University (DK)

Agricultural University of Iceland (IS)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU (NO)

3) 6P2 – The Nordic PPP Plant Phenotyping Project – Phase 2

Cultivation field divided into many parcels, seen from above.
Photo: Aakash Chawade, SLU.

In the 6P2 project high-throughput plant phenotyping approaches were developed based on consumer grade unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and camera technologies. The main goals were also to link high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping methods to provide new insights into genotype and environment interactions, thereby creating a strong platform for the development and implementation of cost efficient plant breeding technologies for field applications. The project also facilitated networking and knowledge exchange on plant phenotyping among Nordic plant breeding companies, research institutions and technology providers.

Research and Innovation Partners:
University of Copenhagen(UCPH)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NMBU)
Sejet Planteforædling
Associate partners: 
Estonian Crop Research Institute (ECRI)

4) Combining Knowledge from Field and Laboratory for Pre-Breeding in Barley 

Field of dried cereals, blue sky in the background.
Main goals of the project:
  • To obtain phenotypic and genetic knowledge of current and future important diseases and adaptive traits for the Nordic region and identify novel genetic resources for those traits.
  • To provide homozygous MAGIC progenies segregating for one to several diseases and for traits important for adaptation to the Nordic region.
  • To provide breeding tools such as genetic markers associated with resistance and agronomic traits.
  • To educate PhD Students and Post Docs.


Boreal Plant Breeding
Graminor Breeding AS
Lantmännen Lantbruk (Phase 1)
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Nordic Seed (NOS)
Sejet Planteforædling