The best way to preserve genetic diversity is to use it. The Nordic seed collection is no exception. Therefore, NordGen sends out thousands of seed samples annually to scientists, plant breeders, companies, museums, botanical gardens and home gardeners with an interest in old cultural plants. In the text below you can learn more about how to order seeds from us.
Seed orders are distinguished between orders for scientific purposes (the database GENBIS) and orders from private users (NordGen’s onlineshop). Potato requests are sent directly to our Senior Scientist responsible for potatoes. Below you can read more about seed orders for scientific purposes, go to the side menu for other orders.
The entire Nordic seed collection of about 33.000 seed samples is available for scientific purposes by ordering through our data management system GENBIS. By registering as a user you can search and order the accessions that are relevant to your purpose.
Scientific purposes include researchers, plant breeders, botanical gardens, museums and others who request seeds or potatoes from NordGen’s collection in their professional role. These orders can be made all year round.
Delivery time for seed material orders for scientific purposes varies depending on the workload we have in our seed laboratory, and delivery time can be expected to be up to four weeks. A Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) have to be accepted and confirmed by the requester before seed material is delivered.