Apply for a forest scholarship from NordGen and SNS! At the end of the year, NordGen Skog announces, in collaboration with Nordic Forest Research (SNS), scholarships aimed at people who work or study in the production of forest seeds or plants, forest regeneration or breeding in the Nordic region (defined as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the autonomous areas of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland Islands).
Primarily, the grant should be used in connection with education or knowledge exchange within the fields mentioned above. The grant could be used to cover traveling costs for such activities. You can also apply for a scholarship to cover running expenses for bachelor or master theses, for instance for equipment, laboratory expenses or printing of reports.
The activity in question MUST be relevant in a Nordic setting, and contribute to a common Nordic benefit within the fields mentioned above. The main part of the activity must take place after the application deadline, the activity must also be completed within a year after scholarship is granted. The scholarship may cover costs to take part in the NordGen Forest thematic days or conferences. Based on Nordic Forest Research (SNS)’ focus on bioeconomy and digitalisation, the applications may include these aspects related to the topics stated above.
We emphasise the importance of gender balance, including non-binary people, among those receiving scholarship. We encourage young people to to apply for the scholarship. If many applications are received, employees within forest seed and plant production and breeding will generally be given preference over students.
Scholarships can be awarded a maximum of NOK 25,000.
You can read news articles from previous beneficiaries below:
2024: Jan-Peter George, Luca Muraro and Michalina Grabowska.
2023: Jing Xu, Haleh Hayatgheibi and Matej Domevscik.
2022: The Greenlandic Arboretum.
2021: Diana Marčiulynienė used her scholarship to participate in a research project.
2020: Elin Person used her grant for traveling costs.
More news articles and reports can be found on SNS’s webpage.
Your application should preferably be written in English. In some cases, you can also write in a Nordic language but then the summary and budget need to be in English. During the application period (usually during mid-December to mid-February) a link to the application system is published at this page.
Within a month after the activity has ended, the research fellow must submit a short report to NordGen Forest. The report should evaluate whether the goal was achieved, what the scientific benefit was, and include a description of possible results if the scholarship was used for research or development. A budgetary follow-up should also be attached.
Do not hesitate to contact us at NordGen Forest if you have any questions!