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An important part of NordGen's work within farm animal genetic resources is to coordinate and exchange knowledge with other relevant actors. NordGen Farm Animals therefore participate in a number of different Nordic and International networks.
Read more about some of the networks we participate in below:
ERFP (European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources) is a regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources.
NordGen Farm Animals participate in ERFP's both working groups. One is dealing with conservation of farm animals in their natural environment (in situ) and the other concerns conservation of farm animals in for example genebanks (ex situ)
Cryopreservation of livestock genetic resources is a critical tool for utilizing and conserving genetic diversity within small domestic livestock populations. The main purpose of the NordFrost network is to develop a regional action plan for Nordic ex-situ in-vitro conservation programs. The action plan will serve as a new tool to increase the resilience of agriculture in the Nordic region. The NordFrost network includes a broad group of stakeholders that enables people from different backgrounds to meet, share experiences and create joint efforts to preserve domestic livestock and fish breeds. The network contributes to Nordic food security and self-sufficiency, as well as preserving the unique biological diversity of the many native domestic animal breeds found in the Nordic region.
The Northern European network for the joint monitoring and promotion of the Native (small) Horse populations focuses on the history and value of these breeds to their region and on safeguarding their future by the exchange of information and best practices between the participating countries. The network will also serve as a link between the breeder’s associations and researchers allowing science-based projects to enhance conservation efforts of these small native horse populations.
The Nordic research network NordMeat is characterizing growth and carcass traits of native Nordic cattle and sheep to promote their sustainable use. The network aims to gather data for a comprehensive comparison of variation among Nordic breeds, which may help identify opportunities for conserving these breeds in situ for future utilization of their inherent resources.
The brown bee, Apis mellifera mellifera, is the bee originating from the Nordic region. In the 20th century, bee keepers introduced other subspecies of honey bees to the areas inhabitated by the Nordic bees. This lead to the Nordic brown bee being displaced and hybridised by the new subspecies. Today, the Nordic brown bee is considered a threatened breed.
NordGen’s work with the Nordic brown bee has been active during several years. In cooperation with experts from the Nordic Countries, the status for the bee has been summarised and a conservation plan published. The conservation plan has thereafter been released in a second version with recommendations. Further, a public platform (Brown Bee Wiki) has been established, gathering information about specific management practises for the brown bee. The Nordic network of bee keepers and other relevant stakeholders has been promoted. The aim of the network has been to coordinate activities concerning conservation and the sustainable use of Nordic brown bees.