Winners Selected: Photo Competition to Spread Knowledge About Nordic Transboundary Cattle
The Jury has now selected five winning photos within the 3MC project (3MC – Traditional Transboundary Mountain Cattle Breeds in Nordic). Five photographers whose pictures have been chosen as winners will be awarded with prizes from the NordGen seed collection, and are selected for the ”EU in my region” photo competition.
To find the best image among the submitted, the Jury got together online on Monday, August 24, to review the entries. The professional jury consisted of experts in art, photography, cultural studies, animals and communication.
"All in all, we received 188 photos, all of which will be part of the memory bank we create to spread knowledge about mountain cattle. The quality of the nineteen entries that went on to Step 2 was very high and choosing winners was no easy task", says Mervi Honkatukia, jury member and Section Leader for NordGen Farm Animals.
Winner 1: Matilda Latvala
“What a wonderful contact between the girl and the cow. The image breathes peace and quiet, and it takes us back to moments we experienced with our animals. The scenery is beautiful and is like a safe, good place. This image sums up the 3MC project in a beautiful way; there is great presence and contact between animals and humans, while modern meets tradition.” - Jury
Winner 2: Suvi Tiainen
“The first thing we see in this picture is the beautiful light and the cow, that really stands out even though it is surrounded by many other cows. We can create immediate contact with the animal, and the composition is interesting.” -Jury
Winner 3: Petri Saravuoma
“The atmosphere is very Nordic, with a dreamy atmosphere and the animals as a natural part of the landscape. We appreciate that they are used in milk production, as the 3MC project aims to find new areas of use for mountain cows, and that the northernmost parts of the Nordic region will benefit economically.” -Jury
Winner 4: Suvi Tiainen
“This is a stunning image of a cow with a calf. Together they are a beautiful sight, as we know that the mountain cattle are not too many in number. It is a timeless picture, with beautiful, Nordic light.” -Jury
Winner 5: Anna Lehtinen
“In this picture, we are drawn to the dramatic sky and the interesting composition. Despite the intense landscape, we can connect with the cow. An exciting picture, quite simply!” -Jury
The five winning entries will be submitted to the “EU in my region” photo contest and they may be printed as a postcard and viewed by thousands of Europeans.
Photo Competition to Spread Knowledge About Nordic Transboundary Cattle
To increase public awareness of mountain cattle and their unique culture, the photo competition is organized as a part of the 3MC project that aims to increase These are essential in the conservation of native animal breeds, but also in conservation of cultural history related to keeping mountain cattle.
The project is funded with a grant from Interreg Nord and Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten 2019-2022 and has 5 Nordic partners. NordGen is the coordinator for the project as well as responsible for investigating pedigree and population kinship, dissemination of results and implementation of applications. NordGen will also be responsible for establishing the network of preservers.