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In the Nordic region we are used to a simple and non-bureaucratic exchange of forest genetic resources between countries. This valuable exchange secures access to seeds and breeding material. The report "Seeking appropriate legislation regulating access and exclusive rights to forest genetic resources in the Nordic region" describes today's situation in the Nordic countries regarding legislation, and identify issues and developments in international law that could affect the present situation. It explores the legal status for breeding as a process and breeding materials with emphasis on patenting. Relevant case studies in which patenting is needed for commercialisation and how this could be combined with the general open exchange system is addressed. The report gives relevant recommendations for decision makers regarding future challenges. The report is written by Morten Walløe Tvedt at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in cooperation with the Working Group for Genetic Resources at NordGen Forest. The Nordic Council of Ministers has financed the report.

Download the report here.