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: 30th of November, 2017


: Sundsvägen 10, Alnarp (Horticum, SLU)


: 13.05-14.35



Ahmed Jahoor, head of breeding at Nordic Seed, commence the meeting and presents the speakers.


Bo Gertsson, technology manager, Lantmännen Lantbruk. Title: Public support for plant breeding; background and latest development In the middle of September, it became clear that the Swedish government wants to spend a total of 90 million SEK during three years on a national competence centre for plant breeding, to be managed by SLU: – The government wants to secure that farmers and plant cultivators can get hold of plant varieties that fit the Swedish growing conditions. It is crucial to our ability to cultivate both now and in the future, not the least considering climate change, Sven-Erik Bucht, minister of rural affairs said at the time. Bo Gertsson gives us an update on the latest news concerning the competence centre.


Olof Olsson, professor in applied biochemistry, LTH. Title: ScanOat Is oat the next large export of Sweden? ScanOat is to be established as an "industrial research centre coordinating industrial needs with academic research within molecular plant breeding". The project has been granted 100 million SEK over ten years by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). The purpose is to develop new oat-based products which can be grown industrially and have good health effects. The project is a cooperation between LTH, SLU, Lantmännen, Oatly and Swedish Fiber. Olof Olsson presents the project and inform about its' development.
