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Felby was one of the speakers at NordGen Forest Conference "Innovation and forest regeneration" in Silkeborg, Denmark on 19-20th of September 2017. – The technologies to replace fossil based carbon products are available, but renewable carbon based products are still more expensive than their fossil counterparts, Clas Felby said. On this subject there might also be possible gains from tree breeding. Professor Erik Kjær (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science) discussed the challenges of breeding in the context of climate changes, and engaged the audience in discussions. The conference attracted more than 75 participants from all the Nordic countries as well as Latvia. The presentations gave different perspectives on innovation and the use of wood and value production. Program and presentations from the conference can be found


The second day of the conference was dedicated to a field trip, visiting “power cultures” in Kaptajn Schultzt Plantation and HedeDanmarks Seed station in True, as well as seed sources in Laugesens Plantation. The conference was organised by NordGen Forest and Nordic Forest Research (SNS) in collaboration with Danish Nurseries and the Danish Nature Agency. Text and photos: Gunnar Friis Proschowsky