The conference "Ensuring Diversity for Food and Agriculture" Is Now Open for Registration
Now it is possible to sign up for the conference "Ensuring Diversity for Food and Agriculture". The four day long online conference is arranged by the project Farmer's Pride in collaboration with EUCARPIA and ECPGR.
It is now possible to register for a four-day conference that will be held digitally from 28 June to 1 July and arranged by the Farmer's Pride project, in collaboration with EUCARPIA and ECPGR.
The conference will revolve around various aspects of in situ
conservation (conservation on site) and sustainable use of landraces and crop wild relatives. The event includes lectures, a roundtable discussion on the establishment of a European network for in situ
conservation and stakeholder discussions. Anyone interested can read more about the conference
and sign up
NordGen participates in the international Farmer's Pride project, which works to improve in situ
conservation in Europe, increase the use of genetic resources and to build up a network of stakeholders active in in situ
conservation and sustainable use of Europe's plant genetic resources. The long term purpose of the project is to secure food production in Europe. The top photo shows wild chives from Norway preserved in the NordGen collection. Photo: Svein Øivind Solberg