The annual forest scholarship from NordGen and SNS is now open for applications
Are you a student, researcher or practitioner in forest breeding, seed or plant production or forest regeneration active in the Nordic region? Then you can apply for the forest scholarship from NordGen and Nordic Forest Research (SNS). During 2024, the scholarships were for example used to participate in the IUFRO congress and attend a workshop on genetic simulation software.
To meet the many challenges of the future and to develop Nordic forestry, exchange of knowledge and experiences is significant. That is why NordGen and SNS collaborate to support Nordic cooperation on forest activities, for example, by announcing an annual scholarship for those who work or study in forestry. The scholarships are primarily intended for professionals in forest breeding, plant production or forest regeneration in the Nordic countries. Each applicant can be awarded a maximum amount of 25,000 NOK (approximately 2100 EUR). The activity in question must also be relevant in a Nordic context and contribute to a common Nordic benefit. More information about the application can be found here.
Useful knowledge and contacts
One of those who received a scholarship during 2024 was Jan-Peter George, Senior Scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). He used the grants to participate in a SLiM workshop that was held during five days in Stockholm. SLiM can be described as a genetic simulation software that can be used for modelling complex evolutionary scenarios.

“The workshop was very intensive with long days, many hands-on examples and the learning curve was steep. I am already using the simulation tool in my daily work for modelling complex genetic scenarios for genetic conservation. Currently, I am using this knowledge for applying for a very competitive national grant (Academy of Finland), this project is about conservation of European ash,” says Jan-Peter George and continues:
“The second valuable experience was that I was able to extend my network activities: I met several researchers from Sweden and Switzerland with whom I am now in good contact and sharing knowledge and ideas. The workshop instructor also became interested in visiting Finland and we will have a similar workshop here in Helsinki next year.
Positive feedback
The forest scholarships can also be used to participate in relevant conferences or similar events. Luca Muraro, PhD Candidate at Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre (part of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU), used the scholarship to attend the 26th World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) where he also gave a presentation on a paper that is currently in the submission process. The title of the presentation was “Expanding the Potential of Populus Species for Biomass Production: Clonal Selection for Boreal Forests Conditions.”
“The presentation was well-received, as many attendees in that session were unfamiliar with the specific conditions of the boreal zone concerning the use of poplars. This made the topic both new and novel for them. The congress provided an excellent platform to share our findings and, more importantly, to network with researchers from various universities and institutions. I am confident that these interactions will lead to new collaborations and valuable partnerships in the near future,” says Luca Muraro.

Another one who received the forest scholarship during 2024 to participate in the IUFRO congress was Michalina Grabowska, also a PhD Candidate at Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. She was included in a poster session at the congress and presented a poster on the topic “Differences in the Timing of Growth Cessation as a way of Selecting Poplar Clones for Various Climate Conditions.”
“I think I received quite positive feedback. People were interested in the material I used for planting, the design of the experiment and the origination of poplar clones I am testing, but particularly about the idea of planting poplar trees so much in the north. Undoubtedly, I gained some knowledge at the congress, but for me what was even more important was to get inspiration and ideas that I can apply to my research,” says Michalina Grabowska.

NordGen's and SNS's forest scholarship
- Here you can find more information about how to apply.
- The deadline for applications is 15 February 2025.
- In April, selected scholarship holders will be announced.
- In 2024, 8 scholarship holders shared a total of 99 900 NOK.