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They came from every corner of the world; Chile, The Philippines, Canada, Kenya, Germany, Colombia, Estonia and India. People of more than thirty different nationalities have devoted their lives to our future food security by working with plant genetic resources. They all went to Longyearbyen and Svalbard to participate in Svalbard Global Seed Vaults 10 Year Anniversary, arranged by NordGen.

  Nordic Genetic Resource Center would like to thank everyone who joined the celebrations, everyone who in different ways have helped us through these first ten years and all the depositors who've chosen to secure their seeds here for long-term storage. Of course we also would like to say thank you to the other two partners, who along with NordGen share the responsibility for the Seed Vault; the Norwegian Government and Crop Trust. But our work continues - we are ready for many more depositions and another ten years, equally successful.