Register for the Coming Thematic Day on Future Trees in Uppsala
What do we need from the future tree? Are you interested in which raw materials we need to produce and how we will tackle climate change and genetic diversity? Then you should register for NordGen Forest’s thematic day in Uppsala, Sweden, on the 1st of April.
Twice a year, NordGen Forest arranges thematic days in the different Nordic countries. This spring, it’s time for a new thematic day in Uppsala, Sweden. Wednesday the 1st of April, you have the oppourtunity to attend the thematic day Future trees: What can breeding deliver and what will be needed? The thematic days are always held in the language of the hosting country. They are also very well-attended. “To take part in one of our thematic days doesn’t only lead to new knowledge within a variety of up-to-date issues. It is also an invaluable chance of meeting colleagues from the other Nordic countries”, Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad, Section Leader at NordGen Forest, says.
Breeding challenges and global megatrends
The day includes presentations of many areas within the theme, e.g. global megatrends, tree breeding for the future and societal aims. There will also be presentations concerning the changing climate, new pests and which biological, genetic and technical limitations and possibilities we can expect from breeding. The thematic day is arranged in collaboration with Skogsstyrelsen, Holmen and Skogforsk at Skogforsk’s premises at Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 36A in Uppsala. The thematic day is free of charge to attend but you need to register your participation, before the 6th of February.