Now it's time to apply for NordGen's and SNS forest scholarship – read about one of the scholarship holders from this year.
Are you a professional or a student in forestry and active in forest breeding, plant production or forest regeneration? Do you want to apply for funding to make a study trip or attend a NordGen Forest conference? Then you can apply for the forest scholarship from NordGen and SNS. Diana Marčiulynienė used her scholarship to travel from Lithuania to Sweden and participate in a research project.
Exchange of knowledge and experiences is of the utmost importance for the development of Nordic forestry. That is why NordGen Forest and Nordic Forest Research (SNS) collaborate to support Nordic cooperation on forest activities, among other things by announcing an annual scholarship for those who work or study in forestry. The scholarships are primarily intended for professionals in forest breeding, plant production or forest regeneration in the Nordic countries. Each applicant can be awarded a maximum amount of 25,000 Norwegian crowns (NOK). The sum must primarily cover travel costs and the intended activity must be relevant in a Nordic context and contribute to a Nordic benefit. Read more about the scholarship and how to apply below.
Participation in research project
One of those who received a scholarship in 2021 was Diana Marčiulynienė from Lithuania. When she applied for the scholarship, she was a PhD at the Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry. She used her scholarship of 10,000 NOK to travel to the university SLU in Swedish Alnarp, where she now is a postdoc with a focus on forest pathology (diseases in the forest). In Alnarp, she participated for a month in a research project led by Iva Franic and Michelle Cleary at the Department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. "This research project focus on how diseases are spread from seeds to seedlings, so-called vertical transmission, something there is very little knowledge about. Diseases in forestry are a big problem and we need as much knowledge as possible to be able to create resilient and healthy forests in the future," says Marčiulynienė.
Positive experience
Her work revolved around speeding up the germination of beech and pine seeds in a laboratory environment. She thinks it is important that students and professionals in forestry apply for the scholarships that are available.
"In Sweden there are more opportunities for students and young researchers, but in Lithuania it is difficult to get scholarships. I think I was the first from my department to receive the scholarship from NordGen/SNS, I know several students who want to apply for the scholarship now," says Marčiulynienė.
NordGens and SNS's forest scholarship
On this site you will find the information you need about the scholarship, the deadline for applications is 15 February. In April, selected scholarship holders will be announced. In 2021, 14 applications were received before the deadline, eight scholarship holders shared a total of 100,000 NOK.