NordGen’s Database Temporarily Closed for Seed Orders
On Monday the 8th of June, NordGen’s database SESTO closes for scientific seed orders. The database will be available for orders again in the end of June under a new name; Nordic Baltic Genebanks.
“During these weeks, we will continue to handle seed orders already received. But we do not have the possibility to accept new orders. We kindly ask those who need to order seeds right now to be patient. We would also like to thank them for their understanding in the matter”, said Mohammad El-Khalifeh, who is responsible for the seed orders at NordGen. The database system SESTO was developed in 2002 and has since then gathered all the data belonging to the Nordic seed collection. In SESTO, the information about all our 35 000 seed samples has been uploaded and updated and it is also the tool used for those placing scientific seed orders from NordGen. SESTO has also been used by the national genebanks in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
“Today, the system has become obsolete and it’s difficult to find IT-personnel acquainted with the code it’s written in. That’s why NordGen has decided to transfer into another system - the internationally well-known system called Grin Global” said Jan Svensson, who is leading the migration part of the project. The new database, which will continue to serve the national genebanks in the Nordic and Baltic countries apart from NordGen, will in due time be accessible through the URL: www.nordic-baltic-genebanks.org. If you have any questions regarding seed orders, please contact
Mohammad El-Khalifeh
. Questions regarding the database or how we are handling the transfer can be directed to