NordGen puts focus on genetic diversity at COP24
NordGen will be present with a side-event in the Nordic Pavilion at COP24 in Katowice, Poland.
On 6 December under the theme
Rethinking with Bioeconomy
, NordGen arranges a talk that takes off in the extreme weather events in Scandinavia and Finland last summer. We discuss how genetic resources can offer solutions for adapting food production to climate change and give examples of how crops have developed through the years. We also give you a unique insight to the international cooperation in the field and how Svalbard Global Seed Vault serves as insurance for food safety in the world. You can help us create exciting and fruitful discussions
by answering the questions provided in this form
. When answering you also get the chance to win the book "Potatoes in the Nordic" (with Swedish and Finnish text). Visit NordGen at the Nordic Pavilion (H14 og 12) and participate in the talk or
Follow our live-event on Facebook
. Under the heading Sustainable development the Nordic Way, the Nordic Pavilion will highlight and discuss Nordic Climate Solutions and challenges and draw parallels with the global Sustainable Development Goals.
The programme for Rethinking with Bioeconomy can be found here