NordGen Participates in UNEP Webinar about Food Security
From the 30th of November to the 2nd of December, NordGen will participate in an online event about agrobiodiversity and food security in times of COVID-19 and climate change. The meeting is open to the public.
From the 30th of November til the 2nd of December, NordGen will participate in an online meeting about food security and agrobiodiversity in times of COVID-19 and climate change arranged by the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). You are welcome to participate.
The ongoing pandemic COCID-19
poses the greatest challenge yet to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially for countries of the global South. The pandemic is compounding the crises of agrobiodiversity decline and failing food systems in the context of climate change, exposing more people in more regions to famine.
The online meeting "South-South Cooperation Forum on Food Security and Agrobiodiversity in Times of COVID-19 and Climate Change" is arranged by UNEP to discuss and hopefully identify solutions for the problem. The CEO of NordGen will hold a presentation on the 2nd of December. The meeting is open to the public but you need to register in order to participate.
Read more about the event by following this link.
Register by following this link.