NordGen participates in kick-off meeting for BalticWheat network
On the 12th and 13th of October, a kick-off meeting for the BalticWheat Network is held in Malmö, Sweden. Climate change, funigicide resistance and plant phenotyping technologies are to be discussed in the network which NordGen is a part of.
Fertilizers and pesticides are the two major pollutants in the Baltic sea caused by agriculture. The aim of the BalticWheat project is to identify solutions for reducing the need for the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the wheat cultivation system. Jan Svensson, senior scientist at NordGen, participates and will, among other things, present the NordGen wheat accessions at the meeting. The kick-off workshop held in Malmö is attended by participants from Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Denmark and Poland. It is to be followed be other activities, for example a pilot project to evaluate genetic diversity in wheat for improved nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and disease resistance in selected Baltic wheat cultivars.