NordGen invites you to celebrate the holidays with a tasty kale salad
As most of our plants have entered hibernation, the rest of NordGen's operations are also ready for a few days vacation. But first, we would like to share the recipe of a green kale salad, which suits very well as a christmas dish.
Are you perhaps one of the lucky few who ordered the Danish kale
Høj Amager Toftø
from our webbshop last spring? What's really great with kale is that it can be harvested all through winter and contains lots of vitamin C. Only a few leaves actually gives you more vitamin C than an entire orange. The variety Høj Amager Toftø is developed in Denmark and was launched in 1949. It's perfect to make this kale salad of, but of course you can also use whichever variety you'll find in your grocery store.
Kale Salad with walnuts and rowan berries
serves 4 Ingredients
6-8 leaves of kale 2 pears 1 tablespoon lemon juice 100 g walnuts approx. 1 tablespoon of
pickled rowan berries
Salad dressing
2 tablespoons tasty oil (from olive, canola or walnut) 1 tablespoon tasty vinegar 1 tablespoon syrup from the pickled rowan berries salt and pepper Instructions
Mix the ingredients for the dressing. Chop the kale into small pieces and add the dressing. Dice or slice the pears in thin pieces. Add the lemon juice and stir. Hack the walnuts. Arrange everything neatly on a large plate. Start with a layer kale, add the pears and decorate with walnuts and rowan berries.