NordGen Forest arranges thematic day in Iceland
Rakel Jónsdóttir is Forestry Advisor at the Icelandic Forest Service. She is also member of the Nordgen Forest regeneration Council and responsible for the thematic day in Akureyri. She insists that anyone interested in forestry attends the forest thematic day in April.
– What happens during the thematic day?
The theme of the day is ‘Seed supply and tree breeding’. Speakers from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland will tell us all about seed production and establishment of seed orchards. Later in the day an excursion to an indoor seed orchard in Vaglir, east of Akureyri, is planned. Seeds of hybrid larch is produced there. In the evening there will be a dinner for participants in hotel KEA in Akureyri.
– Who can this day be relevant for?
The day is relevant for all those that work in the forestry sector. Foresters and scientist, as well as nursery managers and personnel.
–What can the participants of the thematic day expect of the day?
Participants can expect an overview of the process of establishing seed orchard to the collecting and handling of the seed. Speakers will approach the theme from a different angle thus gene conservation and breeding will also be introduced.
- Why is Iceland an interesting forest country?
Only Downy Birch and Rowan are native to the Icelandic forests. Therefore, exotic tree species are widely used in forestry as their productivity is more than the native species are capable of. One of the biggest challenge Icelandic forestry faces is to choose the right material in tree species, well adapted to the Icelandic climate. Larch, Contorta pine, Sitka spruce and Aspen are among the mostly used species. Provenance trials and tree breeding has great value for the Icelandic forestry as well adapted planting material is likely to have a profound effect on survival and growth of the forests.
- What are your own hopes and expectations of the day?
One of NordGen's aims is to exchange knowledge between the Nordic countries and I’m sure we will succeed in doing that in April in Akureyri. This is also an opportunity to meet people and establish connections between people in the forestry sector which can lead to all kinds of collaboration within the Nordic countries.
- Anything else you want to say?
Welcome to Akureyri
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