NordGen Farm Animals arranges workshop on genomic selection
Are you interested in animal genetic resources? Do you want to know more about how breeding of small populations is done in the best possible way? Register for NordGen Farm Animal's workshop on genomic selection, held in Espoo, Finland, on November 30, 2018!
The workshop has the title: What, how and why – in genomic selection.
It focuses on the prospects and challenges of genomic selection, especially on small populations. The event will provide an update on possibilities for the optimal genomic breeding models and methods for small populations in the future. On top of that, the event offers an overview of two novel genomic selection programs in Nordic native cattle populations (Icelandic cattle and Western Finncattle). The workshop will be held in English and is arranged in cooperation with the
Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, NFJ.
Invited and confirmed speakers:
Genomic selection – what, how and why:
Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Associate professor, Aarhus University, Denmark David Cavero, H & N INTERNATIONAL GMBH, Germany Peer Berg, Professor AU, Denmark & NMBU, Norway Prospect and challenges in small populations: case studies examples:
Terhi Vahlsten, Faba, Finland Katarina Hägg, Viking Genetics, Finland Esa Mäntysaari, Professor Luke, Jokioinen, Finland Ismo Stranden, Professor HY, Helsinki, Finland Baldur Helgi Benjaminsson, Project manager, Iceland Adding novel traits and external information:
Timo J. Pitkänen, Researcher Luke, Jokioinen, Finland Caroline Bakke Wethal, Stipendiat, NMBU, Norway
Side event
A visit to the Genebank of Finncattle in
Ahlman vocational college
in Tampere is offered as a side event on 29 November 2018. The excursion will start at 11am on 29 November 2018 and departs from Hotel Nuuksio. More information about both the workshop and the side event will come shortly.
Practical information
The workshop and the side event are free of charge.
The workshop is held at Hotelli Nuuksio, address: Naruportintie 68, 02860 ESPOO. Hotel Nuuksio is situated in Espoo within the Nuuksio National park by Siikajärvi lake only 30 minutes drive from Helsinki Vantaa airport or Helsinki city centre.
Visit hotel website
Hotel rooms
Hotel rooms have been pre-booked at Hotel Nuuksio under the code “NordGen”. Please use this code when booking a hotel room. The rooms are available till 30 October 2018. The price for a single room is 95 EUR/night and for a double room 115 EUR/night. Please note that NordGen Farm Animals does not cover your hotel expenses.
To register your participation, please send the following information in an e-mail to:
Name and organisation
Contact information
Allergies and food preferences
Interest in joining the field trip
Please register before
November 16.
Welcome with your registration!
NordGen Farm Animals is a service and knowledge center for sustainable management of farm animal genetic resources in the Nordic countries.
NordGen Farm Animals’ areas of activity are conservation and sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources (AnGR) relevant for food production and agriculture, information and networking as well as international activities.