NordGen Celebrated 10 years as a Competence Center for Genetic Resources
Friday 7th September 2018, NordGen marked its 10 years anniversary with a celebration focusing on the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of Nordic genetic resources.
With a program that featured great talks, Nordic songs, guided tours in NordGen's seed lab and stalls in the greenhouse with live blue ducks, carrot tasting, forest genetic experts, a small part of Svalbard's global seed vault, Nordic peas, potatoes and grains and a retrospective of Nordic cooperation on genetic resources over time, more than 150 guests took part in the celebrations. NordGen is, above all, a knowledge center, and NordGen's dedicated employees gave visitors a unique insight into the importance of the work carried out by NordGen. Visitors also had the opportunity to taste the Nordic genetic resources as a variety of the ingredients of the lunch buffet originates from NordGen's seed store. The celebrations ended with a lavish cake table with traditional birthday cakes from all the Nordic countries. Pictures taken during the day can be seen and downloaded at
NordGen's Flickr-page