NordGen Arranges Workshop on EVA-program for Genetic Selection
Among several of our Nordic farm animal breeds, there are so few individuals left that we risk inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity over generations. That’s why NordGen has developed the software program EVA which monitor inbreeding and optimize breeding recommendations. Does this sound interesting? Join us for a workshop in EVA on the 26th-29th of November in Oslo.
Modern breeding schemes, utilizing both advanced reproductive, statistical and molecular genetics methods and technologies, harvest high genetic progress, but also high rates of inbreeding. This has increased the need for tools to monitor and control rates of inbreeding in a population, such as optimal genetic contribution selection (OCS). EVA is a software package aimed at describing inbreeding in a population and predicting genetic contributions of breeding candidates while maximizing response to selection given a penalty on/constraining the rate of inbreeding. The software, which is freely available via NordGen’s website, has been used in both commercial and endangered populations in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Hands-on exercises
The aim of the workshop is to introduce the theory and implementation of OCS in sustainable management of breeding and conservation programs. Furthermore, it aims at promoting independent use of EVA software with hands-on exercises. To maximize the learning experience, participants are expected to be familiar with basic theory of breeding programmes, have downloaded EVA and made sure it is working before attending the workshop, as well as having installed the most recent version of R-studio if you wish to use EVA through R.
Information about registration, accommodation etc can be found through this link.
Information about EVA and download of the software can be found here.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Line Sass Kierkegaard, advisor NordGen Husdjur.
Phone: +47 41348273