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This morning our new incubators were delivered. With these we can make an even better job of preserving genetic diversity among plants connected to our food production.

  Regularly, NordGen control the seed samples we preserve by doing germination tests. Most seeds grow happily when given some light and water. However, some seeds demand somewhat more love and care to start growing. - Angelica, for example, needs to be in an incubator for six months before it grows, Johan Axelsson, responsible for the seed laboratory, says. Angelica is an herbal plant with an aromatic scent which can be about one meter high. It has been used as a medical plant as well as for seasoning. It is seeds from this plant, as well as many others, that are to rest in the incubators eventually. - In the incubators we have the opportunity to regulate both the light and temperature from what each plant needs, Johan Axelsson says and closes the incubator door.