More seed orders, digitization and a new strategy - read more in NordGen Annual Review 2020
NordGen's annual review for 2020 is now available. In addition to information about important achievements, the digital publication also includes a video in which NordGen's director, Lise Lykke Steffensen, summarizes the previous year.
Anyone who wants to know more about NordGen's operations in 2020 can now read the annual review, which is available in English
. The introduction to the review also includes a video in which NordGen's executive director Lise Lykke Steffensen summarizes the previous year.
– 2020 has been a very special year for NordGen, just like other organizations, the pandemic has affected us. But the management made an early decision to protect our vital functions and we handled the situation in a good way. We managed to maintain all our functions in a normal way, says Lise Lykke Steffensen. An important achievement in 2020 was the implementation of the GENBIS database, which collects information about the content of the Nordic and Baltic countries' genebanks. Last year, the number of seed orders to NordGen also continued to increase, a rise of 89 percent over the past two years.
New strategy
The review also contains information on NordGen's new strategy, which extends to 2023 and aims to increase the co-operation with external stakeholders and at the same time focus on the conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic resources important for Nordic agriculture and forestry.