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NordGen regularly receives visitors from all over the world, eager to learn more about gene bank management and our operations. But not all visits result in a video.

  This April, Dr Jeni Henrickson and Dr. Aaron Doering from Minnesota University visited us as part of their project 


 which is aimed at students in middle- and high school. The project blends an online agriculture centered curriculum with live expeditions around the world to places with an agricultural focus. On of theses places is NordGen in Alnarp. During the visit, they visited our seed lab, our gardens and greenhouse and interviewed our Senior Scientists. They also learnt more about our work with 

Svalbard Global Seed Vault


You can read more about the entire visit at NordGen here.

AgCultures also interviewed our in vitro

-specialist Pawel Chrominski. Watch the video below. [embed][/embed]