Join NordGen Forest's Thematic Day on Future Trees Online
NordGen Forest's thematic day which was supposed to be arranged in Uppsala on the 1st of April has been converted to an online meeting due to the Corona-situation. Anyone is welcome to join the meeting.
The thematic day will be arranged as a Microsoft Teams meeting. All lecturers are still up for the job and will perform their presentations online. The first session will start at 10.00 and last until lunch. After lunch, the second session is commenced. All thematic days are arranged in the language of the hosting country, in this case Swedish. The theme for the meeting is "Future trees - what can breeding offer and what will be requested?" or in Swedish: "Framtidens träd - Vad kan förädlingen ge och vad kommer att efterfrågas?" The meeting is open for anyone who wants to join.
However, you need to register through this link before the 30th of March in order to get an invitation to the meeting.
We hope you will be able to join us!