It's spring and our webshop is open!
If you haven’t already, it’s time to plan what you will sow in your garden or balcony this year. Would you like to use seeds that can’t be found anywhere else? Could we interest you in making a difference for the Nordic cultivated cultural heritage and help saving the biological diversity? Then you ought to use our webshop.
NordGen isn’t an ordinary seed company. In fact, we’re not a company at all. NordGen is the Nordic countries’ genebank and knowledge center for genetic resources. Our mission is to conserve the diversity of crops, farm animals and forests we have in the Nordic region. Each year, our staff in Alnarp grows new seeds to replace seed batches that have gotten too old or have been distributed so often that we have too few of the in our freezers in Alnarp. Sometimes, the seed harvest is larger than our needs and then hobby growers have the opportunity to buy the surplus of seeds from our webshop. The shop opens on the 1st of March and closes on the 31st of May each year.
Use this link to enter the webshop.
The sale of seeds does not lead to any profit for NordGen. The cost for ordering seeds merely covers some of the costs for handling and distribution. Since NordGen is a genebank, following the international agreements regulating our operations, you need to be aware that you need to comply with certain terms when ordering seeds from us. For example, you are not allowed to sell the seeds.
The full terms can be read following this link.
Good luck with your order and feel free to tag us in social media, @nordgen, thereby enabling us to follow you on your cultivation adventures!