Here is the program for next week's webinar "Why gene banking"
The webinar "Why genebanking" takes place online on June 23. Read more about the interesting program and don't forget to register if you want to participate.
Are you working with animal genetic resources? A
re you interested in or planning to participate in gene banking
We invite those of you who are working with farm animal genetic resources to an online webinar
“Why gene banking”
to discuss the current situation in Nordic countries.
The webinar takes place online on Teams June 23 at 09:00 to 12:00.
The NordFrost network & the aim of the webinar
The state-of-art in Nordic cryoconservation activities in farm animals was determined as a case study in IMAGE EU Horizon 2020 project. It revealed a large variation in goals and risk factors for gene banks in Nordic countries. This survey will be used as a basis for preparation of recommendations for regional cryoconservation activities to increase resilience of agriculture in the Nordic region.
The long-term goal is to strengthen Nordic cooperation in the cryoconservation of farm animal biodiversity through working towards a pan-Nordic genebank.
The webinar is the first step to establish networking activities within and across the Nordic countries among stakeholders in
research, advisory service, technical service and policy makers to support development of a Nordic collaboration
Welcome and introduction to the webinar
. Senior Scientist Morten Kargo Aarhus
University, NordFrost network.
Introduction to the NordFrost and the
current status of Nordic gene
banking. A case report
in IMAGE EU Horizon 2020.
Section leader Mervi Honkatukia,
NordGen Farm Animals,
NordFrost network
Benefits of conserving agricultural genetic resources in Finland: Summary of recent Finnish
research and setting it in the international context.
Annika Tienhaara, Natural
Resources Institute Finland, Luke, NordFrost network.
genebank activities in Europe.
Director Sipke Joost Hiemstra, the Centre
for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN).
The Frozen Ark: Saving the DNA and viable cells of the world’s endangered species.
Professor Mike Bruford, Cardiff University.
Introduction of Biobank AS.
Director Sigbjørn Gregusson, Biobank AS
How to secure/develop the original Nordic red breeds?
Chairman Per Johan, the RDC group
in Viking Genetics.
Small group discussions of experiences, possibilities, and other input to the NordFrost network
Outreach activities - informing and educating the public (and students to
engage next generation of experts?) of the importance of genetic resource banking.
2. Current technological limitations (bottlenecks) in the cryopreservation of animal germplasm
- future research priorities.
3. Practical solutions to strengthen the conservation:
Protocols from identification to the conservation of AnGR
Financing options of ex situ gene banks
Biosecurity protocols, which will facilitate the movement of biomaterials
across borders
Any need for urgent action? Will a common Nordic backup genebank be
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact anyone of us.
We ask you kindly to register at latest 21
of June noon at 12 o’clock (