Have a Look at the Program for our Farm Animals Workshop in Espoo
Now the program for NordGen Farm Animal's workshop in Espoo, Finland is finalised. Don't miss out on the opportunity of learning more about sustainable breeding in small populations by the best Nordic researchers in this field. The workshop, arranged on the 30th of November, is free of charge and comes with a excursion to the Ahlman vocational college on the 29th of November.
The workshop is arranged at Hotel Nuuksio in Espoo, Finland. Address: Naruportintie 68, 02860 Espoo
More practical information about the workshop can be found here.
The workshop is held in English. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
(30th of November)
9.00 Opening of the workshop
: Lise Lykke Steffensen, Director, NordGen
Genomic selection – what, how and why
9.10-9.30 Application of genomic selection
(Peer Berg) 9.30-9.50 Genomic selection in commercial egg layer breeding program
(David Cavero) 9.50-10.10 SWOT analysis of small (dairy cattle) populations
(Hossein Jorjani) 10.10-10.40 Coffee break
Prospect and challenges in small populations - case studies examples
10.40-11.00 Origin and history of Northern European cattle breeds (Anna Schönherz) 11.00-11.20 Case studies using molecular data in breed conservation (Bernt Guldbrandtsen) 11.20-11.40 Population structure of Finncattle breeds (Terhi Vahlsten) 11.40-12.00 Practical selection of Finncattle AI bulls (Katarina Hägg) 12.00-13.00 Lunch break 13.00-13.20 Genomic selection breeding scheme for Western Finncattle (Esa Mäntysaari/Ismo Stranden) 13.20- 13.40 Genomic selection for Icelandic Cattle (Baldur Helgi Benjaminsson)
Economical aspects, novel traits and use of external information
13.40-14.10 Economical value of small populations (Morten Kargo Sörensen) 14.10-14.30 Introgression from a gene bank collection into a live breed (David Cavero) 14.30-15.00 Coffee break 15.00-15.20 Integration of external information into the national multitrait evaluation model (Timo J. Pitkänen) 15.20-15.40 Genetic parameters of novel milkability and temperament traits in automatic milking systems (Karoline Bakke Wethal)
15.40-16.00 Floor is open for questions. Closing the workshop.
List of invited speakers
Peer Berg, Professor Aarhus, University, Denmark & Norwegian University for Life Sciences
David Cavero, Geneticist, H & N INTERNATIONAL GMBH
, Germany Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Associate professor, Aarhus University
, Denmark Baldur Helgi Benjaminsson, Project manager,
The Farmers Association of Iceland
Iceland Katarina Hägg, Geneticist, Bull analyst, Viking Genetics
, Finland Hossein Jorjani, Professor, Interbull Centre
, Sweden Esa Mäntysaari, Professor Luke, Jokioinen
, Finland Timo J. Pitkänen, Researcher Luke, Jokioinen
, Finland Ismo Stranden, Professor Luke, Jokioinen
, Finland Terhi Vahlsten, Geneticist, Faba
, Finland Karoline Bakke Wethal, Stipendiat at Norwegian University for Life Sciences
, Norway Anna Schönherz, PhD, PostDoc in Aarhus University
, Denmark Morten Kargo Sörensen, Senior Advisor, Aarhus University, SEGES,