Don't miss our forest thematic day in Umeå!
Each year 350 million forest plants are produced in Sweden. The majority of these comes from a refined seed. Are we to reach the goal of having well growing forests where the biological and genetic diversity is secured, we have to make sure that we have also have established the knowledge base needed.
The NordGen Forest Thematic Day is arranged tomorrow, on the 18th of October in Umeå in co-operation with the Swedish Agricultural University and the Swedish Forest Agency. The whole day is open for the public and gives an opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking among seed- and plant producers, researchers, students and other actors within the forest arena. The session before lunch is part of the course Silviculture and Forest Management Planning
on the theme plant production in practice. This part of the thematic day is held in English. The afternoon is held in Swedish and will, among other things, include:
Forest growing campaigns and rejuvenation standards during 100 years.
Monitoring of rejuvenation results and possibilities for feedback to plant producers.
The strategic importance of forest growing material in the forestry value chain.
The possibilities and risks of the forest growing materials of the future.
Nordic refinement programs for fir and pine.
The rejuvenation systems of tomorrow?
Tasks and knowledge needs within seed- and plant production. What is necessary for a newly graduated forester to know for being able to contribute?
The whole thematic day is open for the public:
: 18th of October 2018
: kl 09:15-16:15
: Skogis kårhus, Swedish Agricultural University in Umeå.