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Denmark is perhaps not the largest forest country in the world. But did you know that they are in the forefront when it comes to finding seed sources resistant to Ash dieback disease? Learn more about this and many other interesting topics at the NordGen Forest thematic day, September 6.

NordGen Forest

is a meeting place, gathering foresters from all the Nordic countries to discuss the importance of having strong, genetically diverse forests and a sustainable regeneration. Each year, we arrange two different thematic days focusing on these issues. This fall, Denmark is hosting the event and it is arranged by NordGen in cooperation with 

Danish Nurseries


The Danish Nature Agency


"This fall's theme is Development in silviculture and regeneration of forests. In the morning we have several different interesting lectures, about drone use in the forest and how to choose robust species able to tackle climate change, to name a few. In the afternoon, we head out on an excursion to see both multipurpose forestry and forest managed for biodiversity" says Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad, Section Leader at NordGen Forest.

The thematic day is held in Nødebo, north of Copenhagen. Participation is free of charge, but you must register before August 23 at the link below. The thematic day is held in Danish.

Register for the thematic day here.