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The NordGen Forest Conference of 2018 will be held in Tuusula North of Helsinki on the 18th-19th of September:"New Forest for Future Needs– using advanced regeneration methods and techniques"

This year's NordGen Forest Conference will be arranged in cooperation with


, the Finnish Food Safety Authority and the

Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

On the 18th of September the Conference will be held at

Hotel Gustavelund

, whereas the 19th of September will be reserved for a field trip in the nearby area.

The conference will be held in English, and participation is free of charge.

The areas that will be covered at the conference and field trip include:

Choosing regeneration chain by using big data

New methods for seedling stand monitoring and thinning

How can research solve problems in Norway spruce seeds production

New technologies in seedling production -somatic embryogenesis, artificial light treatment etc.

Future disease risks for tree seedlings

Registration and more information

NordGen Forest

address conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources, by being a forum for researchers, practitioners and managers working on forest genetics, seeds, planting stock and regeneration, and by facilitating the flow of scientific information and knowhow between these groups.