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"Strategy for Plants Genetic Resources in Agriculture 2017-2020" sets the course for the task of preserving, developing and informing about the importance of the plant genetic resources in agriculture and its importance for our future food and forage supply, according to a press release from the Minstry for environment and food in Denmark. - It is important for our food production in Denmark that we, from a plant genetic point of view, are well equipped to meet the challenges of the future. It might be about climate adaption, environmental considerations, new plant diseases or changes in the users demands. At the same time, these resources are important for our common culture history, says Esben Lunde Larsen, minister och environment and food. NordGen is a key player within this area as we have the major responsibility for preserving seed collections from the Nordic countries. The strategy has been written in co-operation with scientists, enterprise and green organizations and it will continue the good work already being done, according to the ministry. The full strategy can be read (in danish) and downloaded
