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NordGen and partners would like to invite you to a series of six lunch webinars on Crop Wild Relative (CWR) conservation and use.

During the last couple of years, the Nordic Council of Ministers has funded a project focusing on the conservation and sustainable use of Crop Wild Relatives (CWR, wild species that are related crops). Part of this project has been dedicated to conducting inventories of CWR in protected areas. The current seminar will focus on these inventories that were carried out in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Åland, Finland and Denmark.

There were several topics addressed during the work with the inventories: site selection, testing of different methods for inventory, lessons learned and recommendations for future work in the Nordic countries. One central goal of the inventory was to cover as wide a range of examples as possible regarding geography, type of environment, inventory methods, site selections and more. The pros and cons extrapolated from these different case studies will be scrutinized and discussed during the seminar.

Speakers: Mora Aronsson (SLU), Heli Fitzgerald (Finnish Museum of Natural History), Magnus Göransson (Icelandic Institute of Natural History).

Language: English. 

Top photo: Magnus Göransson.